The Geoffrey Blake

Category: I Wonder

I Wonder #9

When ownership is awarded to those exhibiting the most violent force, what is stopping the cycle from happening again? Is there an end to the cycle?

I Wonder #8

How would you know what was right if nobody told you? What questions would you ask yourself to get to a clear distinction of what is right and what is wrong?

I Wonder #7

Why is solitary confinement considered the most cruel and inhumane treatment? Is it because you are trapped with the most unpredictable thug, the uncontrollable brute that is your mind?

I Wonder #6

I wonder “Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don’t know what they want?”― Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

I Wonder #5

How we forget life’s lessons so quickly? Why/how do societies make the same mistakes as previous generations?

I Wonder #4

What are the values that are most important in times of extreme difficulty or survival?

I Wonder #3

I wonder if the key to a successful society is realizing that a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link, and we would do well to invest in our impoverished, and downtrodden humans. Would that create a stronger society, and perhaps a better world? What gray area or nuance am I missing in […]

I Wonder #2

If creativity is the way all problems have been solved since the beginning of time, why isn’t it a primary focus in our education systems?

I Wonder #1

What are the benefits of diversity in a group? I think diversity is the bees knees, and have benefitted greatly from it. Have you ever considered it’s value?

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